Monday, October 26, 2009



Hey, Howdy

We’ve just come home, well not literally but last week some time, from Perth where we played the One Movement Festival. Now I’m quite sceptical at the best of times but more so when it comes to festivals of this nature, but I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by this one, I kind of enjoyed it. Congratulations to the organisers because I think it was one of the better festivals we’ve played and I think I may have actually learned a few things. The show was great, much better than any of us were expecting actually, so thanks to all those that we there to enjoy it with us. Thanks also to Nathan Phillips for forwarding us some photos from the night. Here's a few pics and videos. Check them all out in the pics section on the myspace.

One Movement, Nathan Phillips One Movement, photo by Nathan Phillips One Movement, photos by Nathan Phillips


Yep we’re still on this thing and it comes to end this weekend in QLD. This Friday the 30th of October we’re in Brisbane at one of my favourite venues, The Zoo, then at the Coolangatta Hotel on the Gold Coast on the 31st, actually that’s Halloween isn’t it? Maybe we should dress up? We still have Vasco Era and DZ opening for us so get there early, I suspect it’s going to get a bit nutty.

Friday 30th October The Zoo, Brisbane, QLD Oztix: 1300 762 545

Saturday 31st October Coolangatta Hotel, Coolangatta, QLD Oztix: 1300 762 545


This one I’m looking forward to. We’re playing a FREE show at the Beach Road Hotel in Bondi on the 4th of November. Harlequin League will be opening the show then we’ll we’re on later in the evening hopefully just as JC is getting a nice buzz on, don’t not come along just be there, its free, there is really nothing else going on that night so… just be there, IT. IS. FREE! See you soon JB. XXX

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


As you all know WOLF & CUB are playing the last 2 shows on the Hearts Tour in Brisbane on the 30th and Coolangatta on the 31st of OCT.

So we need you guys to let the other guys know about it in the best way possible

You can now officially promote our gigs through

If you’ve got friends that you think should get tickets to our shows then go to Posse, download our tour ads, links, Facebook / MySpace / Twitter apps and get promoting!

Every time someone clicks through your ad or link and buys a ticket you get PAID a commission. It’s totally free and easy to use and your friends won’t pay any more to get tickets via your links.

AND the best part is... the person who sells the most tickets to each show wins an W&C PRIZE PACK

in the pack will be

You and a Friend get in Free to the show.

W&C T-shirt

Signed cd

Signed poster

So all you have got to do is head to

and sign up to sell the tickets.

Click the links in the email or the banner below


If you are still keen to help out but dont want to get your POSSE on email us at....

In the Subject line just have "W&C, I'M IN !" and we'll hit you back with all the info.

Talk soon.


Thursday, October 15, 2009


One Movement set time changes, QLD Shows and Free show at Beach Road??

Thanks to all those that came to our shows over the last couple of weeks in NSW and VIC. Good Vibes, DZ are my new favorite band, they are now our brothers. Heres some pics ( ) from the Melbourne show, courtesy of Calvin Cropley.

This week we're in Perth for the One Movement Festival (, I feel good about this because I love being in Perth. I also like the idea of every band on this bill only getting a half an hour set, although, we're having some trouble squeezing our songs into such a short time frame.

For all those attending the event, we were originally scheduled to play on the Saturday, but have now been moved to the Sunday. We're playing at 7:05pm on the the Snowball stage, so don't say we didn't warn you. Its going to be kind of significant for us also because we're having a very special guest, and also a very good friend, come and with us for the first time.

Our 'Hearts' tour still has a few more shows left in QLD, tickets are going quickly so get that shit sorted. Details here ( ) .

Also we've just announced a one off free show on November the 4th in Sydney at the Beach Road Hotel ( ) in Bondi. Our Manager is a bondi beach bunny from way back and he never used to shut up about this place, so I'm kind of looking forward to this show, could get kind of nutty, I hope. See you there, what else is there to do on a Wednesday night? Honestly?

Take Care