Friday, April 24, 2009

Wolf & Cub – “ Science And Sorcery “ Album Tour
w/ The Scare


thu 11 Republic Bar, Hobart TAS
Venue: (03) 6234 6954
Moshtix: 1300 GET TIX (438 849)

fri 12 Fowlers Live, Adelaide, VIC
Moshtix: 1300 GET TIX (438 849)
Venuetix: (08) 8225 8888

wed 17 Mona Vale Hotel, Mona Vale, NSW
Moshtix: 1300 GET TIX (438 849)

thu 18 Cambridge Hotel, Newcastle, NSW
Venue: (02) 4962 2459
Rock Shop: (02) 4929 1856
Billy Hyde’s City Music: (02) 4965 4222
Moshtix: 1300 GET TIX (438 849)

fri 19 Oxford Arts Factory, Sydney, NSW
Moshtix: 1300 GET TIX (438 849)

sat 20 Oxford Tavern, Wollongong, NSW
Moshtix: 1300 GET TIX (438 849)

sun 21 ANU Bar, Canberra, ACT
Ticketek: 132 849

wed 24 The Loft, Warnambool, VIC
Capricorn Records: 03 5562 2803

thu 25 Barwon Club, Geelong, VIC
Venue: 03 5221 4584

fri 26 Corner Hotel, Melbourne, VIC
Venue: (03) 9427 9198

sat 27 Karova Lounge, Ballarat, VIC
Venue: (03) 5332 9122
New Generation: (03) 5333 2444
Oztix: 1300 762 545


wed 01 Seaview Tavern, Woolgoolga, NSW
Venue: 02 6654 7206
Hoey Moey (after May): 02 6652 3833
Park Beach Music at The Plaza: 02 6652 3725
Coopers Surf Australia Palms Shopping Centre: 02 6652 6369

thu 02 Sound Lounge, Currumbin, QLD

fri 03 The Zoo, Brisbane, QLD
Oztix: 1300 762 545

sat 04 Woombye Hotel, Noosa, QLD
Oztix: 1300 762 545

sun 05 Great Northern Hotel, Byron Bay, NSW
Oztix: 1300 762 545

thu 09 Settlers Tavern, Margaret River, WA
Moshtix: 1300 GET TIX (438 849)

fri 10 Prince of Wales, Bunbury. WA

sat 11 Rosemount Hotel, Perth, WA

sun 12 Mojo's, Fremantle, WA
Moshtix: 1300 GET TIX (438 849)

Monday, April 13, 2009


Here’s my update:


Firstly, we’ve just finished playing the V Festival, which ended up being quite a lot of fun. Thanks to the on ground staff and V crew for looking after us so well, thanks also to everyone that took the time to come and see us play, I noticed we had a lot of competition so we appreciate the support.

Unfortunately it wasn’t all smooth sailing however. It seems that a mysterious stomach bug was roaming around the V camp taking out as many poor souls as it could, and unfortunately not even your humble narrator could be spared from the evil parasite’s debilitating curse. I got the bug pretty early on in the day and started suffering the effects soon after, so consequently, I was unable to perform at the final V festival in Perth. Now this is something I’m not especially proud of and I apologise profusely to anybody that was hoping to see us, but considering the circumstances, it really was the most likely of outcomes. Turns out that several others fell under the same spell later on in the day, including members of Children Collide, Tame Impala and of coarse those other poor souls in Wolf & Cub. Fortunately for them, symptoms didn’t develop two hours before they were scheduled to play, unlike good ol JB, who wasn’t so fortunate. Poor king KNUCKLEHEAD.

“So what about the show, BRO? Did the band have to cancel?” I hear you ask, well…

Our good friends and now, our comrades for life, from Tame Impala and Children Collide put their hands up for their brothers and joined the remaining members of Wolf & cub for a good old fashioned SPACE JAM. “YOWZA”, I hear you say, that sounds interesting, doesn’t it? Apparently it went quite well. To be honest though, I don’t really want to talk about it because I missed it and I’m still a bit dark about having to bail, but by all accounts it was quite magical. So thank you, thousand upon thousands of times to our brothers Kev, Dom, Jay & Johnny for the solid, much love & respect, you’ve earned your place in the kingdom of heaven. Seriously THANK YOU. This elephant will never forget.

* Actually if anyone has any footage of this performance could you send it on to us via the myspace or something, as I’d really like to see how it went. Ta.

Gold Coast V Festival

Right, what else…

Album Album Album

So the release date is imminent for those uniformed or perhaps misinformed the official date for the release of Science And Sorcery will be SATURDAY APRIL 18TH. So organise a listening party with your brethren now and spend the day listening to it repeatedly, I will be.


For the week leading up to the release of the album, Myspace will feature us as their artist of the week. This means that the entire album will be streamed via our Myspace so check it out here:


Soon. They tell me, soon.

Take care, good vibes to you all. New Album YOWZA!